Preliminary study proposes 15 per cent target solar energy in Malmö

The City of Malmö aims to generate 100% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030. The study The potential and obstacles for more urban solar energy in Malmö City’s energy system suggests that at least 15% of locally produced electricity can come from solar power.

There is a strong potential to increase production and use of solar power in Malmö. The municipality and municipally-owned companies such as MKB and P-Malmö own and manage many properties in which photovoltaic installations could be placed. There is also room for photovoltaic installations on city-owned land. Utilizing public properties and land as places for solar production is an easy and fast way for Malmö city to increase solar energy production.

A preliminary study has found that it would be economically viable to install solar cells on the roofs of the city library, Värnhemsskolan, and the Ice Hall. The study also proposes that a special effort be made to make car parks nodes for smart energy storage and distribution. It also suggests that testbeds be established at Hyllie, Sege Park and Sofielund / Augustenborg areas to showcase technical social and economic solutions to increase the generation and utilization of renewable energy.

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